30 Lug Intervew for Story Time talking about my books, July 28th, Milan
A short intervew for Story Time, Radio Canale Italia, in Milan, talking about my two books of toy design. The first one “The toy and its design. From concept to realization. A guide for the designer”, published by FrancoAngeli; the second one “Shapes and colors in fairy tales. Like from a story can be born a toy”, published by Erickson. The intervew is focused about my experiences and products for young people, and the importance of educational toys. Enjoy listening!
Irene Guerrieri is an architect specialized in design for kids.
Important Leading companies in the toy, children’s publishing, accessories and children’s furniture sector are turning to her to renew and give a new launch to their product range.
Irene is also a lecturer at graduate schools, where she holds a Toy-Design Workshop, teaching an innovative and fun design method.